Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I've been lazy

I've been lazy and not bothered to update this blog for a year! Oops. Nobody's reading it, but anyway. I should fill you in.

I am now a published and award winning writer. I've received four first places in competitions and numerous seconds or finalists places. I have had a story in Woman's Day and also in the anthology 'Award Winning Australian Stories'. Check it out - it's great.

I'm always writing and entering competitions and occasionally send to the women's magazine market.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Still plugging away

I'm still plugging away, editing and redrafting stories, sending out to more competitions, trying my hand at online stuff too. It's demoralising most of the time, but sometimes you get a lift that makes it all worthwhile. I've been shortlisted for a flash fiction competition, but results won't be known for weeks. I hate the waiting, especially as I've never won, but have been shortlisted several times. I think being on the finals list and not winning, is even worse than not making the finals list! I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Missed out on two competitions this week. The email and snail mail always hold the possibility of a place and when it emerges that somebody else has received the good news, I can't but help feel a little off for the rest of the day. I know chances of winning are slim, but hope is such a terrible thing sometimes...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Day two of my blog and I'm still none the wiser about what to do! Had my writing class today and members seemed to like my latest story. I've entered it in a long-running online competition, fingers crossed that it will get me over the line with a score. I've also entered another online competition with a story that was commended recently. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hi there.

If by some miracle you've found your way to my blog, then good luck to you! I've only just created it and I'm still navigating. (I think I must have been holding the map upside down!) If you are at all interested in the short fiction world, then you may want to follow when I've got something useful to say!